Friday, August 6, 2010

Justice and Freedom

In our second week in English class, our mentor Mr. Maurison Aquino gave us a task. A task that challenge us all . That is to make a three different stories, first is the story of our own life or my story, story of other person or your story and lastly is the story of our class or our story.And they also told us to read it aloud in front.I was very excited about that task because I believe that all of us have are own story of life. That may only differ size, contents,ideas,thoughts, and moral lessons.Each of the stories can touch our hearts and inspire us but their are also stories that can hurt us and can make us cry.But the important is even though whats the effect of the story in our life we should always be ready to accept it and learn to understand it.We should always give justice to every story we read.Not only to story but also to every things and people in our surrounding. We should practice to give them justice.Besides from justice we should also give freedom to other so that they would also give us freedom that we need.One way of showing freedom in our school is the choosing of club that student want. It was held last June 2010. I have chosen Science-Math Club because I want to become part of that brain twisting club, I want to enhance my ability in that two particular subject and lastly I am excited of their activities and contest.

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