Thursday, August 5, 2010

Call of Holiness

"Always put God first in all I do" that's my first rule in life that I written in my English notebook. A rule that I need to apply always and also a rule that inspire me very much.Because that rule explains that in all things that I will do, in all decisions that I will make and in all path that I will choose to follow, always remember God and put Him always besides you, so that He will always teach and guide you in a good way and in a right path. Spreading His words and following His works is a good example of showing love and respect to God and also the best way of applying the first rule in my life.That's why last month I decided to joined the catechist examination. Hoping that I will become a part of the newest batch of God's disciples that will spread His words and proclaim His good works and good deeds especially to elementary pupils.A few weeks later when the time comes that they will announced the successful examinees that passed the examinations.I was very suprised that I could not even expressed my feelings because I saw my name in the list. I am very happy and excited about that and I'm looking forward in seminar. One week later after the announcement of winner all the successful examinees who passed the examinations attended a 3 days seminars in the Parish center. I have a mixed emotions that time, happy because I passed the exam, excited because I wonder if what activity are their in the seminar and worried because I will really missed many lessons in all my subject especially English.But that mixed emotions become one emotion when the seminar started, we become all very holy until the last hour of that seminar.Another week has passed, a day that all catechist has been waiting for,the day of our first teaching in Central-I and Central-II.Most of us were nervous especially me. My feet and hands were shaking while I'm walking but when the time that I enter the room my shaking feet and hands become an instrument of God to proclaim his words and deeds.After that one hour orientation to my pupils I felt very happy and that happiness marks an unforgettable moment that I will really treasure at the rest of my life.

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