Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FILIPINO: My language,Your langauage,Our Language

Do you love your country?
Are you using your own national language?
Are you a good Filipino speaker?
Do you really care for your own language?
Those are the questions every Filipino must answer YES... If you love your country, you are using your own national language and if you are using your own national language, you are a real Filipino, Filipino in heart,mind,and soul.
Filipino,Filipino,Filipino,our national language, a national treasure that every Filipino people must use , anytime,everywhere, and anywhere. A language that was proudly made by Manuel Luis Quezon, the father of our national language. Filipino was a combination of different languages in our country such as Tagalog,Ilokano,Bisaya,Pangasinan and many more.
Every Filipino people must use our national language, in order to show our patriotism and love of country.That's why every August our country is celebrating the "Buwan ng Wika". I was so happy and proud because our school presented a magnificent and extraordinary celebration that held last August 26,2010. A celebration that gave emphasis to our national language,historical culture,and rich nature.Different contest and activities were happened like poster making contest,essay writing,poem making, debate,and many more. But there are three contest/activities that really marked on my mind. First in the line was the Filipino Exhibit, which makes us all looks like crazy in decorating,cleaning,and furnishing our room with different Filipino works,arts,and crafts everyday. But that hardworking and tiring days gave us a good result, because we got the second place. Second was the film viewing about the thrilling and scary movie which is the " Shake Rattle and Roll".And last but definitely not the least was the prestigious modeling of different Filipino and Filipina dress. Everybody was excited about it looking forward if who will pronounce as the new "G.at Bb. Pagrampa ng Makapilipinong kasuotan".At the end of the contest the beauty of Cristina Valdez and the good looks of Jacky Bustarde prevailed as they proclaimed as the winner. That was a breathtaking scene in the school and a memorable day for the winners. Even though I'm not a Com-Arts member, I really enjoyed the celebration thanks to Com-Arts Club who made this celebration wonderful and successful.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time After Time

TIK-TOK! TIK-TOK! TIK-TOK!, what a brilliant sound. A sound that makes the world turn around. A sound of clock which give us time. Time that we need in our everyday life. What a crystal time that passed so fast, like a tiny dust in our eyes.
I am so happy because at last first grading has already passed. Another chapter of my school life has ended. But before this memorable first grading ended a big bunches of knowledge were added to my learning ,especially in English subject. At first I consider English a difficult, hard, and boring subject, but that was before. As the time goes by, I learned to loved English even more. That is because great satisfaction and lots of learning that English gave to me. For me it is an excruciating subject, intense in terms of fun and adventure that help us gained knowledge and self-confidence like different activities and role plays. One of the memorable role play that we do was the individual commercial. WOOHOO!, at first I was so nervous and ashamed in doing my own commercial in front of the class. A commercial that really marks on their mind. I endorsed the anti-dandruff shampoo which is the Clear no dandruff shampoo. After that commercial my classmate started teasing and laughing at me all the time. After that funny role play , a very arduous examination followed. OMG!!! My hear twas beating very fast and I think that all my memories and learnings were shuffled that I cannot answered even a simple question in two particular subjects which are the Math and English. After the exam I was really worried about my score in that two subjects. After I saw my testpaper I was happy even though I got not so good scores I proudly say that I did my best but my best is not good enough.

Summit of Success

"Don't lose hope try and try until you succeed". For others it's just only a simple and ordinary motto but for me it is not only an idyllic motto but it is a very meaningful and extraordinary motto that every person must pursue. Especially for those people who have a lot dreams in life like me.I am also a person who will do all I can just to reach all my dreams. One of my greatest dream in life is to become a doctor someday. But before I reach that dream I need to study first in an University that will give me a good education that I will be needing in my future. That university is the University of the Philippines (UP) because once in my life I dreamed to become one of the"Iskolar ng Bayan",but before that I must first pass their mind-sweeping,brain-twisting and arduous entrance examination that held last August 7-8, 2010. When I surf the (UPCAT) website I was shocked about what I read because according to them almost 65,000 students from all over the Philippines even from the other country take the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) but approximately only 5,000of them are admitted as incoming"Iskolar ng Bayan".After reading I think I lost my self-confidence and self-esteem because I know my limit and I know that their is a possibility of not passing in that examination.But I still convinced my self that if I study hard and try my very best there us a chance of passing, like I said don't lose hope, I will try and try until I succeed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Justice and Freedom

In our second week in English class, our mentor Mr. Maurison Aquino gave us a task. A task that challenge us all . That is to make a three different stories, first is the story of our own life or my story, story of other person or your story and lastly is the story of our class or our story.And they also told us to read it aloud in front.I was very excited about that task because I believe that all of us have are own story of life. That may only differ size, contents,ideas,thoughts, and moral lessons.Each of the stories can touch our hearts and inspire us but their are also stories that can hurt us and can make us cry.But the important is even though whats the effect of the story in our life we should always be ready to accept it and learn to understand it.We should always give justice to every story we read.Not only to story but also to every things and people in our surrounding. We should practice to give them justice.Besides from justice we should also give freedom to other so that they would also give us freedom that we need.One way of showing freedom in our school is the choosing of club that student want. It was held last June 2010. I have chosen Science-Math Club because I want to become part of that brain twisting club, I want to enhance my ability in that two particular subject and lastly I am excited of their activities and contest.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Call of Holiness

"Always put God first in all I do" that's my first rule in life that I written in my English notebook. A rule that I need to apply always and also a rule that inspire me very much.Because that rule explains that in all things that I will do, in all decisions that I will make and in all path that I will choose to follow, always remember God and put Him always besides you, so that He will always teach and guide you in a good way and in a right path. Spreading His words and following His works is a good example of showing love and respect to God and also the best way of applying the first rule in my life.That's why last month I decided to joined the catechist examination. Hoping that I will become a part of the newest batch of God's disciples that will spread His words and proclaim His good works and good deeds especially to elementary pupils.A few weeks later when the time comes that they will announced the successful examinees that passed the examinations.I was very suprised that I could not even expressed my feelings because I saw my name in the list. I am very happy and excited about that and I'm looking forward in seminar. One week later after the announcement of winner all the successful examinees who passed the examinations attended a 3 days seminars in the Parish center. I have a mixed emotions that time, happy because I passed the exam, excited because I wonder if what activity are their in the seminar and worried because I will really missed many lessons in all my subject especially English.But that mixed emotions become one emotion when the seminar started, we become all very holy until the last hour of that seminar.Another week has passed, a day that all catechist has been waiting for,the day of our first teaching in Central-I and Central-II.Most of us were nervous especially me. My feet and hands were shaking while I'm walking but when the time that I enter the room my shaking feet and hands become an instrument of God to proclaim his words and deeds.After that one hour orientation to my pupils I felt very happy and that happiness marks an unforgettable moment that I will really treasure at the rest of my life.