Friday, October 1, 2010

Stairway to Mount Olympus

My friends, followers, and all the people of the Earth , a brilliant day to all of you. I am Atlas one of the mighty titan who came from Mt.Olympus, A Titan who carried the Earth on his shoulders. That is my mythological character but let me first introduce the real me. I am a simple and a humble student namely RG came from a beautiful kingdom called Saint Charles Academy. I was sent to Mount Olympus to perform in front of you especially to majestic God Maurison Aquino and two gorgeous Goddesses Susana Bilwayen and Frances Claudio.
O.M.G...G!! Oh my Gods and Goddesses .That performance really marked on my mind. I am very nervous and ashamed not only because their are so many people watching us but also for being the first performer from our section. But at the time that I've finished my performanc my nervousness turns into gladness and happiness.After that I am really looking forward for the announcement of comments and scores. I am really hoping to have a good score that will surely suited for my hardwork and dedication in this perfomance. After two days the most awaited day has finally came. All of us was very excited about the comments and our scores that Sir Maurison will give to us but after giving our scores different emotions were prevailed some were very happy but others were sad , uncontented of their scores. After that breath-taking announcement, a very bad and shocking revelation followed they revealed that all of us got automatically zero in our perfomanced because of our naughty behavior and for disobeying their rules regarding in our performance. After that revelation ,our world break apart because all our hardwork resultd into a very big zero...But time passed I've realized that God gave me thathfailures not to let me down but He gave me that so from that failures that I encounter can be our strength in facing another problems and challenges that wil come in my life

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